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Reflections of a Demon Hunter

Arturo Barillas
Apr 22, 2020

Elizabeth walked into her home, dead in the night. It was probably one in the morning when she arrived after patrolling the vampire infested parts of the cursed town. The blonde girl dragged her feet up the stairs, wincing a bit as pain at her side lingered for a moment. Even though she had a bad night in the hunt, she was not tired. The undead were getting smarter, faster, and stronger. She had killed an even dozen that night,and they had done the usual damage. A punch here and a kick there. Nothing major. The blonde demon hunter noticed the change in the demon-infested community, as the changes in herself as well. She felt empowered and focused.Was she evolving as well?

Elizabeth walked down the hall and slightly opened the door of the bedroom next to hers. She saw her younger sister sleeping and breathing softly in her bed. As Elizabeth walked towards Clara,she saw a large textbook of advanced calculus on the night table. It was open right beside a small lamp which was still on. Elizabeth moved the strands of dark brown hair from her sister’s eyes. She then proceeded to cover the little body with the light blanket curled up at her feet. Elizabeth turned off the light and walked out, heading towards her own room.

As the young woman removed her black jacket,she looked at her reflection in her full-length mirror. She had a small bruise on her shoulder. She shook her head in disapproval as she massaged it softly.She than lifted her white tank top revealing large purple bruise at her side.She got kicked only once by the demon, but it was a brutal blow. Elizabeth made she sure the fiend paid for his impertinence. The girl then turned towards her bed, which looked so comfortable. She flopped on top of it and hugged the pillow tightly. So many issues clouded her mind. Why was she not tired? After a night like she had, she would’ve slept like a rock. Something was not right.Something was out of place.

Elizabeth closed her eyes and tried to focus.Clear her head. She suddenly opened her eyes wide. The soft moonlight touched the blonde's face as she lay on the grass. This is unreal, she thought to herself as she stood up and looked at the sky. Half the sky was broad day light while the other was pitch midnight. Elizabeth looked where she stood in this odd world. She was right in the middle, where the light and darkness split the world. The young girl felt warm and cold at the same time. Love and hate. Happiness and sadness. A small sound caught her attention which from the dark side. Elizabeth stepped towards it. "Show yourself," the girl said as she readied for battle.

A figure emerged from the bushes. Elizabeth took a step back in surprise as she saw the individual. For some strange reason,the demon hunter felt warm inside. She felt comforted and complete. She looked at the girl with curiosity. She was as tall as her. Her eyes changed color from blue to hazel to black. The color of her hair did the same. From blonde, to brown to black to blonde again. But what surprised Elizabeth the most was her face. She was identical to her. It was like seeing her twin."Surprised?" the other Elizabeth asked.

"Why are you here?" Elizabeth asked.

"The end is coming," the multi haired girl said, looking at the sky. "He controls day and night. The creatures of the night worship him. Demons look at him for guidance. He will unleash a power so devastating across the world you won't have time to breathe."

"Why is he coming?" Elizabeth asked not knowing full well what the conversation was about but, at the same time,understanding the truth.

"To kill you," the other girl said while she smiled sadly. "To stop you from fulfilling something before you get a chance to know what it is."

"Will you help me?" Elizabeth asked the strange girl.

"Just like you have never let me down,"the girl answered. "I will not let you down. Expect me. I will be there.Just like the sun shines by the day and the moon by night. I will be there."

Elizabeth thought for a moment and looked at the girl with a smile. "Will you look like the gorgeous girl that you are right now?" Elizabeth asked.

The other girl smiled back. "You have said yourself I am the most beautiful thing that has walked this Earth."

Elizabeth looked confused for a moment."Have I met you?" Elizabeth asked.

"Only in dreams," the girl answered back. "Dreams. Not nightmares". Saying this, the girl started to walkaway.

"Wait!" Elizabeth yelled.

The girl turned around. "Yes?" the girl asked.

Elizabeth stopped for a moment. She had no idea what she was going to ask. Something was not right. Something was out of place.Something that just not fit in. Elizabeth closed her eyes and opened them. She was in New York. She tried to step away in fear but couldn't—the sight of at housand bodies sprawled across the once busy streets burned in her brain. The Babylon of the 21st century was in ruins under a black sky. As if hell had stopped by. The once towering freedom tower was a pile of ashes and debris. The Empire State Building stood alone among the rubble of the forsaken city of light. The Garden was turned to dust. The Chrysler building was torn to pieces.The people that walked this once proud city lay dead on the streets. Their eyes were frozen to the last horror they had witnessed. Their bodies decomposed while demon hound ate at the rotten flesh. Elizabeth turned around in fear and found her lover Ian standing behind her. She wanted to embrace him, but a feeling deep inside told her otherwise. All of a sudden, his eyes changed color.From black, to brown, to hazel, to intense blue. His hair changed the same way.He walked slowly among the bodies. He tried not to step on them. "Don't be afraid," he said. "They'll be in a better place."

"What are you saying?" Elizabeth asked.

"This is it," Ian said with a smile extending his hands. "The end. Destruction. Pain. Devastation. Sorrow.Anguish. It's unstoppable".

"Nothing is unstoppable!" Elizabeth said with tears in her eyes.

"Don't cry," Ian said. "None knew. None cared. All of a sudden… death came. He who comes will try to kill you".

"Why?" Elizabeth asked. She suddenly felt alone and helpless.

"He will try to destroy the keystone,"Ian said. "He will block the small orifice that brings a tiny light of hope among humanity."

Fear entered through Elizabeth´s being. This was not her Ian. "Who are you?" she asked, trying not to let her voice break.

Ian smiled warmly. "You have nothing to fear,"he said. "I am you. I am he."

Elizabeth felt certain ease now. She approached her loved one when suddenly he arched forward in pain. "MO…!", the tortured demon exclaimed before he exploded into ashes.

"NO!" Elizabeth exclaimed. She looked behind the darkness. A demon appeared before her. A vampire. An evil smile curled on his lips. She ran toward him and tried to hit him across the face.But for some strange reason her strength and speed had left her. The vampire quickly blocked it—he then grabbed her shoulders and smashed his head against her face.Elizabeth staggered. She placed her hand on her face trying to keep it from falling apart. It felt wet. She was trying to identify the liquid when the vampire was upon her.

The vampire smelled her fear as he grabbed her head. Elizabeth´s neck snapped. She fell lifeless on the ground. The earth turned to chaos. Paris was being sucked to hell by a vortex. A tidal wave destroyed Tokyo. Fireballs from the sky pulverized Washington Dc. Soon, only demons roamed the earth again. They were killing each creature with an ounce of humanity inside. Earth had turned into the pure Hell it was once before.

Elizabeth screamed as she woke up. She looked around trying to find out where she was. Something was dead inside. She was sweating.She cleared her face with her covers and looked around. She was in her room.She wondered what she was doing there when she remembered. She had patrolled the night before and came straight home. She stood up and looked around. It was nearly one in the afternoon. If her mother were here, she would have come down running after the scream. The dream shook her up, though. Something was going to happen. Something big. The girl smiled a sad smile succumbing back to what was normal in her paranormal life. "So what else is new?", Elizabeth asked herself.

Arturo Barillas
Arturo Barillas Monge is an writer searching for new stories in every experience in life.

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